Sunday, January 28, 2007

week 4

I really like the page layout/newsletter info. I wish I would have know about this program earlier. After class teh next day I went to our IT guy and mentioned it to him. He said he thought it had a layout for menus. I just got done in my class having my students design menus. This layout would have help make thier final product better and more consisant. I can also use this program to create a newletter of class updates about our program, student succuesses and so on. I really do plan on using it more once I have it all figured out.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

week 3 Photo photo photo.........

Ahhh well i'm finally getting it slowly done and picking up on some tools. I have no clue what some of them are. I really like how you can change the images into paintings, inks and so on. As a porfessional, this would kick but and could be a dangerous tool to have around a prankster.... too bad it's taking me so long to pick it up. Professional I would use this program to clean up images of food I would use. Maybe to make food look more colorful, and different shades, remove unwanted items, liek a fly in the soup.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

week 2

hello hello again out there. yesterday i had leadership meetings all day. not to bad actually, i got to learn a lot about my local government. makes me in the mood to vote!!!!!!!!!!

Oh so far it has been a pain. I've tried and tried to do the same things in my office as in class. I had trouble making clear backgrounds, haha i would remove a spot and it wouldn't be gone. Not realizing i forgot to hide the orginal image... I had a blast though with the janitor at school adding images to to pics or writing notes on a sign in a background. Its been a blast.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

week 1ahhhhhhh first day of class again

Well today is the first day of class again.... and I get to create a blog. Actually I guess I have already created a blog or creating... I guess it's like making pie. Speaking of pie, I teach culinary arts and I love food. What else....?

-I love long walks on the beach
okay okay I'll get a bit more serious if I can...

So I do love food and traveling. Most of my trips revolve around food in some way or another. This past summer I took off to Europe with a back pack and found my way around from Ireland to Bosnia.