Tuesday, March 6, 2007

week 9

Oh wow the changes I have noticed in my skills is huge. I mostly used my office computer for email, web for recipes, and word processing. I've realized the scope of technology that is out there that I need to learn to make me a highly qualified educator... it is true though all jokes aside. I really needed this kick in junk to get me to notice what is out there and what i was not incorporating in my class. It has also shown me the need to get my own computer for that reason and to keep up in a computer tech class. I do think the info we were giving helped and i wish i had some more.. oh her eis my school's web page if anyone is interested. I also have made good friends with our IT guy and we've shared ideas.


studds i mean students

Here is my kids acting cool. They are the reason why I go to college an hour and a half away to get my teaching certification.

week 8

Now that I am a big time movie producer.... how would i use movie production professionally??? As a teacher i would use it to make commercials I could use during open house and other public events. Instead of paying hundreds of dollars for one I now an make something that would work. Also I can show my students how to do this so they can make commercials on their own, because I have them design a restaurant as a project. This would be a way for me to show off my students work. As a career tech teacher we have to worry about recruiting so any new technology that can set me apart from anyone else is great!!!!

week 7

Maybe I went into to much detail into my last posting. But I plan to take my pictures from Bosnia and make them fade in and out, maybe have them each displayed for about 15 to 20 seconds... well see if this seems to long or not. I have found a nice description of the war that I plan to use to put pieces of it on the pics describing the war, A little note-when i was there I had a chance to speak with people my age about the war and how it affected them. It made it more than just a story I saw on the news. While the pics are fading in and out I plan having the music from the Pianist playing in the background, very touching music and see the movie if you haven't. I do admit that i am having finding clips of the song I want... bad part is too I don't know the name of it just the sound of it.... why why do i hate memorizing titles.... until next time

week 6

okay I have to admit I am a slacker and I am going to have an excuse why I am behind on my blogs and project. I don't have a computer at home so I use my office computer at the school i teach and well snow seemed fun.. Since I didn't have access to my office well now I'm behind and trying to catch my students up... and get our restaurant opened. Okay enough of me whining.

okay so what i have been working on for my video is taking my pictures of Bosnia and making them into a film... yea yea too brief. When i went to Bosnia this past summer i had no clue what to expect. I visited to major city Sarajevo and Mostar. It was amazing to see the difference between the two. Sarajevo is where most of the international funds went to so the other cities are still torn up. It was amazing to see people living in buildings that weer shot up, grenade blast in the the sidewalks that have been patch, and right beside the war torn buildings a brand new one standing there. I was showing my pictures to Scott in class when we were working on photohop and he said I should use my pics. Now that's what I'm doing taking my pics and a story about the war to describe and show what happened.
Here is an example of my pic

week 5

wow this is an interesting topic and i do mean it. I'm not trying to be well anyhow.. Contemporary literacy and and learning and how do they relate with graphic design and page layout. Well if I read right contemporary literacy is pretty much digital literacy.. so graphic design and page layout are how you present literacy in a modern fashion. It is very important, because how information is presented to us can really determine how we interrupt the data. Teaching Culinary I've read research on how menus are designed. We the restaurant people realize that people tend to read a menu pretty much the same way and you the consumer tend to buy items from a particular area. So what do we do? Well we put the highest profit items in those areas. I'm assuming how we present items for people to master is very important and keeping up with trends will just keep us on the leading edge.