Tuesday, March 6, 2007

week 7

Maybe I went into to much detail into my last posting. But I plan to take my pictures from Bosnia and make them fade in and out, maybe have them each displayed for about 15 to 20 seconds... well see if this seems to long or not. I have found a nice description of the war that I plan to use to put pieces of it on the pics describing the war, A little note-when i was there I had a chance to speak with people my age about the war and how it affected them. It made it more than just a story I saw on the news. While the pics are fading in and out I plan having the music from the Pianist playing in the background, very touching music and see the movie if you haven't. I do admit that i am having finding clips of the song I want... bad part is too I don't know the name of it just the sound of it.... why why do i hate memorizing titles.... until next time

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